I am finally getting around to writing it. These are in no particular order.
1) That differentiating for each student is not possible:
I know that this may seem like a pipe dream statement but I think that as teachers we need to think about each of our students in the classroom. I know that we do but we truly need to think about how we can teach to each student and meet the needs of each student. Fosnot makes a great statement in one of her books, "[Teaching and learning are often seen as synonymous words and ideals but] without learning there is no teaching." This statement has made we really think about how I am meeting the need of my students. It has made me think about the philosophies, strategies and assessments that I use in order to teach. Not every student is the same, so why is our teaching styles?
2) That students are vessels in which we impart our knowledge to:
I know that this is a very hot topic but to be honest most if not all people learn not from listening but from a combination of listening and doing. I love this picture from Syliva Duckworth.
I know that we need to have some knowledge given in order to move forward but to be honest we need to give credit to our kids that they know a lot of things and can solve many problems we through at them. As a teacher we need to find that balance between saying enough and allowing our students to explore, to muddle through and figure things out on their own. Learning is so much richer when this is accomplished.
3. That a test is the only way in which to assess students knowledge:
For centuries, students have gone to school, sat in desks, listened to teachers and then regurgitated information on a sheet of paper to show their understanding. But is this the best way to understand our students learning? Is this a true test of their abilities? Is this really making them learn? or is it making the cram for a bit and then forget? The true nature of a test shows you what a student understand at the particular moment in time. There is a purpose for it but I personally don't think that it is the end all to be all like it is being used today. In all honesty I don't think a test should be used at all. I think that teachers need to and should move into learning portfolios and project based learning. We need to have more conversations and observations of our students and communicate that as a grade. This is again is actually a lot harder then giving a test. Teachers need to know their content matter, curriculum and have a really good assessment strategies in place. Their needs to be clear communication and more communication with parents and students, but in the end this type of assessment is a lot richer.
4. Parents don't care about their children's education:
I hear this a lot in education, "Our parents just don't care about their child's education." I know that their might be some parents who may feel this way but deep down inside I would say that all parents want their children to succeed and all parents do care about what is happening in the classroom. The problem is that they may think that the only time to contact teachers is when their is a problem, when you contact them or during parent interviews. Why? because that is exactly what happened when they when to school. For the longest time and still today, the classroom is this mysterious place. Its like the Bermuda triangle. Kids go in and come out but no one knows what happens inside. The only communication parents have is what their kids say. If their kids come home happy or say nothing is wrong then parents don't question it. We also have to keep in mind that it is really hard to raise kids today and many parents work various hours in order to support their children and household. It may be more that they can't care because they actually can't or more don't have time. However, when kids come home excited to learn and excited about your classroom I will guarantee that parents will take notice. We as teachers need to do more to open our classroom up and bring in parents; excite them to be a part of the community.
5. That we don't need to teach diversity and inclusion:
This last one is an important one as it is something that I have been dealing with personally this last week. I teach my children about diversity and inclusion. I teach my children all about the ism's, everyone of them. I teach my children that we need to love one another, allow others to have opinions and honour those opinions; whether you agree with them or not. I teach my children that just because some one is different then you (whether religion, believes, physically or racially) you do not discriminate, you do not hate and you do not make public comments about it. You may at home believe many different things but in the classroom and out in the world we need to be tolerant, loving and accepting. I teach these things because I want to make sure our world is loving and peaceful. I don't want wars, I don't want hate. However, I am constantly reminded and moreso this week then ever, that this needs to be done more in the classrooms. I feel this because this week I have seen close friends bombarded by hatred and slander because people don't believe the same thing as they do. I have seen people lash out at me because I stand up for anyone who is being discriminated against. Unfortunately it is never the children we teach but one day those children will become adults and I want to make sure that they know that hatred is hatred. That even though you may not believe or think the same as the person next to you, when you make that comment or thought public you are crossing a human rights line. That you are perpetuating further war and hurt. No one has the right to judge as we ourselves are not perfect. It is okay to have differing opinions and believes but there always needs to be discernment and tolerance in what we say and do.
Again these are my thoughts and observations about teaching. They are always up for discussion and I would love to here your thoughts on how we can make school different.
I am now calling on:
Betsy Callanan
Jay Wigmoore
Roland Chidiac
Matthew Oldridge
Michelle Cordy
If they have not done so. Of course I would also love to hear from anyone and their amazing ideas.